Other Great Blogs

These are other great blogs that you just might like. (If you would like your blog on here, send me an email at brookiefaulkner809@gmail.com, giving me your blog address. I will take a look at it then share it if I think it's okay)

Go Teen Writers: This is a great blog that I have come to depend on for my writing. Stephanie and Jill are great.

Ravens and Writing: The blog picture is gorgeous, and wonderful posts.

Inklined: Sarah Faulkner has an awesome last name. Haha, and an awesome blog.

Covers and Ink: Jillian has a great blog with lots of book reviews. :)

Paper Fury: Previously known as the Notebook Sisters, these girls are hilarious and often have great advice.

Of Battles, Swords, and Adamant: A great blog for writers of fantasy.

Christ is Write: Another Christian, writing blog. There are also contests going on there.

Jody Hedlund: This blog is packed with helpful writing posts.

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